The importance of kindergarten education in thedevelopment of visual abilities

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Ágnes Gaul-Ács
Andrea Kárpáti


The aim of this research is to redraw the picture of 3–6-year-old children’s visual creativeness and set the elements of the system of visual abilities playing role in visualization against the findings of the literature. This research is part of the ENVIL’s (European Network for Visual Literacy) exploration package, the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy (Wagner & Schönau, 2016, Kárpáti & Pataky, 2016). With the help of the framework, the operation of visual abilities can be examined in everyday situations and not in an artificial test situation. Narrative tasks were created in order to investigate children’s drawings in three different situations that needed visual expression. Traditional paper-and-pencil as well as computer-based assessment was conducted. This paper describes those characteristics of visual language that were found by observing the traditional drawings of 3–6-years-old kindergarten children.


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How to Cite
Gaul-Ács, Ágnes, & Kárpáti, A. (2018). The importance of kindergarten education in thedevelopment of visual abilities. Magyar Pedagógia, 118(3), 279–306.

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