An overview of the concept and regulatory systems of Hungarian school health promotion and health education in relation to the past decade

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Anita Molnár
Erika Beregi
Katalin Kós
László László Suszter


Education for a healthy lifestyle and the development and formation of a system of health-conscious habits occupy a prominent place in public education institutions. The purpose, content, and application of health education and health promotion has constantly been changing, which also resulted in changes to the National Core Curriculum (NAT), which regulates the work of teachers as educators from the planning side. In our research, we were curious about the major similarities and differences in the conceptual background and development of health education and health development, as well as about the changes that occurred in the health education system in the new NAT compared to the previous ones. In their document analysis, the authors undertook to examine the documents regulating Hungarian health education, with particular focus on the 2012 and 2020 editions of the National Core Curriculum. In our study, we performed a comparative analysis of these two documents, as well as an overview of the relevant national and international literature in the field of health education and health promotion. In the 2012 National Core Curriculum, health education appears as a priority area, which starts at the kindergarten level and then continues in elementary school and secondary education. According to NAT 2012, the development of movement skills, knowledge about health awareness, self-awareness, and responsibility appear in the target system of physical education and among the development tasks. It interprets school physical education and sports as part of school health development and talent management, the important task of which is to develop the personality of students. A significant change was the introduction of everyday physical education, within the framework of which NAT 2012 places great emphasis on knowledge acquisition, practice-action and seeking positive experiences. The key competences of NAT 2020 were defined based on the key competences recommended by the European Union, taking into account the national specificities, which span the learning areas and cannot be linked to any learning area. It can be observed that, compared to the National Core Curriculum of 2012, the National Core Curriculum of 2020 does not refer to education for a healthy lifestyle in relation to key competencies. In NAT 2012, the designation Physical Education and Sport appears, while NAT 2020 mentions Physical Education and Health Development, and a disproportionately large emphasis is placed on knowledge, attitude, and outlook. From the name of the subject, it can be inferred that it supports the development of a future-oriented, health-conscious way of life, so it strengthens the health promotion content. It can be considered a step back that the key competences lack a connection with health education, and compared to NAT 2012, health science does not have an independent subject framework. In addition, the proportion of health promotion in everyday physical education has not been worked out since 2012. Based on our results, it is necessary to examine more broadly the implementation of health education and health promotion tasks in the school arena, so that teacher training, and within this, physical education teacher training, can fit in with the tasks of health education along the principles and goals.


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How to Cite
Anita Molnár, Erika Beregi, Katalin Kós, & Suszter, L. L. (2023). An overview of the concept and regulatory systems of Hungarian school health promotion and health education in relation to the past decade. Magyar Pedagógia, 123(1), 19–32.